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What accommodation is offered?

All of the language colleges abroad will arrange accommodation for the duration of your course. Generally there are set arrival and departure dates (these have been specified throughout the individual course details) and the colleges prefer you to keep to these whenever possible. Accommodation costs are quoted in the language course PDFs and the Course Finder, for the current year.

Usually, you will stay with local hosts in a private household (with many more opportunities to learn and practice your language). On many courses you can also choose from college residence or studio apartment options. If you prefer, we can arrange hotel accommodation.

Private households
All private accommodation is visited regularly by staff from the language colleges. You can stay in a private household on either a bed and breakfast, half-board or full-board basis. Each college selects approximately 30 and 100 private households to accommodate their students. Some are couple, others families with children or, more frequently, widows or divorcees, since they are more likely to have spare rooms and can host house-guests. In cities or central town locations it is likely that hosts will live in apartment blocks. Do not expect your surroundings to be very luxurious (being pragmatic, very wealthy people don’t take in students). However, you can gain a great deal from this contact with native speakers. Certainly, living as part of a private household gives you an insight into the daily lives of “real people” and a better understanding of local culture.

Shared apartments
This accommodation is ideal for those who enjoy mixing with other international students or in some cases local people with a spare room or two. Students need to be fairly independent and must expect reasonably basic facilities. The kitchen and bathroom are shared (on average 3 to 6 people per apartment). Bedding and kitchen utensils are usually provided.

College residences
Several colleges have either their own college residences or excellent contacts amongst local apartment owners. If you would prefer to pay more for better quality, comfortable and more private accommodation, we can organise this for you.

We can also arrange Hotel accommodation. CESA staff have themselves often stayed in hotels in the cities and towns offered and when we can’t personally recommend a hotel to you, the college staff always can. Please specify the category of hotel and style of room required.