
Vidar Lien: 4 weeks in Lima

With plans of staying in Lima and attending the university for 5 months, I was in need of a smooth introduction to the culture and the language. The 4 weeks I have spent in the Spanish language school in Lima has been very enriching, both linguistically and socially! I have learned a lot of Spanish, […]

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Brenda: 6 weeks in Santiago

My experience in Chile with the Spanish language school in Santiago was the best experience of my life.  The school is very good, and the staff is very friendly, kind, and professional.  I really liked all of the school trips, meet-ups, and parties that I went to while I was there. I studied Spanish for six […]

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Elena Lynch: 2 week Intensive Course

Elena Lynch 2 weeks in Montpellier Intensive French course I expected to improve my grammar considerably, to meet some very nice people, to have a lot of fun, to enjoy the course. I expected to be speaking French the whole time. My expectations were definitely met. I enjoyed the lessons a lot. I especially like the […]

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Special May Offer ~ Nice

Book the Standard Course  Upgrade to the Intensive Course for FREE! Applies to: 11th to 29th May 2015

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Matthew: 12 weeks Languages for Life 20

I’d heard from a friend that the best way to learn German is to live in a German city.  I’d been to Vienna before, loved it and thought why not study there! When I contacted CESA they were quick to respond and gave good advice. They made the booking easy. I liked the school’s location […]

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Bob: Learning Spanish in Lima

Our class had five different nationalities, and every week some new students, which was a lot of fun to compare languages and learn from each other and make friends. The classes are small, what leads to an almost individual approach. The teachers are very professional, young and funny. You don’t expect of course to speak […]

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Jacqueline: Spanish course in Santiago

Before I came to Chile, I was really afraid. Afraid of this new experience, afraid of being far from my family, friends, and all of my loved ones. But life always surprises us, and I met people here who became family. They’re friends now, and I’ll keep them in my heart my whole life. I […]

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Beth Cannes Review

Beth /  University of Leicester Student (French & Spanish) – Année à L’étranger. Boursière in the French language school in Cannes with CESA I have an endless amount of words (both English and French) to describe Cannes:  “jolie”, “incroyable”, inspiring, evocative, blue, “tranquille”, light-hearted, s l o w, “detendue” … and here is the story […]

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Mirian 6 weeks Standard Course

Linguistically my expectations were exceeded – lessons were far more dynamic than I had prepared myself for, and we were encouraged and helped with our speaking so much that after 6 weeks I felt confident in any conversation which was incredibly rewarding. I really learnt a lot of French. Socially my expectations were also met […]

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German Summer Camp Offer

Book a Summer Camp course in Berlin & Save EUR 60.00!  

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