
Kathryn: Russian Gap Year course

10 week course. I decided to learn Russian for pleasure! I thought it was a beautiful language and like nothing I’d ever studied before and I really wanted to get a good grasp of it; and where better to do that than in Russia? I found the Russian language school staff really friendly and learning was […]

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James Appell: 16 week Russian Gap Year Course

In the first month of my gap year, while I was still at home wondering what to do with myself (my gap year was unplanned, forced upon me after the whole A-level exams cock-up – a story for another time), I got sick of hearing everyone talking about Thailand, Vietnam, Australia and all the other […]

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Gillian King: 2 week Greek Standard Course

My teacher, Lena, was excellent. Lessons were well presented and systematic. I helped a lot by going back to basics a lot at times and filling in early grammar I should have known. The staff were approachable and willing to help. The best part of the course was the excellent lessons with Lena, we were […]

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Portuguese Languages for Life course

Jessica Long 8 weeks Portuguese course/ Lisbon I expected to be able to come home having a basic level of conversation and grammar. In general, I hoped for clean, friendly accommodation and welcoming, patient staff at the language school. The experience far exceeded my expectations I came home having a high intermediate level of Portuguese; […]

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Portuguese Gap Year Course: Lisbon

Nicola Berkin 6 weeks Portuguese course I expected to be challenged as it was so long since I had done Portuguese at university. I expected to do one topic of grammar a day (similar to university) and I expected the teachers to be very helpful and friendly. Generally my expectations were met. I was certainly […]

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Richard Lloyd: 36 week Chinese Gap Year Course

I cannot recommend the school in Beijing highly enough. I have been here for nearly seven months now and I am in no doubt that coming to Beijing was probably one of the best decisions I have ever made! So much do that I have now agreed to work in Beijing for the foreseeable future! […]

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Lucy Millett: 4 weeks on a Standard course

I thought it would be large classes, wasn’t expecting to make real friends and learn as much as I did. I learnt than I had expected to learn, the classes were small, the teachers taught in English and it was less formal and more fun than I had thought. I enjoyed the first week but […]

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Suzi’s German course in Berlin

Suzi Taylor 2 weeks in Berlin Standard Course My expectations were far surpassed! If I’m honest, I expected to refresh my German, mainly through speaking, to do some grammar but no literature and to be taught in quite a large group.  I also expected some organised (probably boring) afternoon activities. The classes were far better […]

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Seriously improve your German in Berlin

Alastair Holt 12 wks in Berlin German Languages for Life course I am training to become a solicitor in London I thought it would be a great idea to learn German in Germany during my Gap Year to help my career, as I believed it would be a fantastic experience ; one that would broaden my […]

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One week learning German in Berlin

Jenny Ashford 1 week German course in Berlin Standard Course  I was hoping to learn some basics and make some friends in the class to spend time with sightseeing/socialising when not in class.  My trip really exceeded by expectations  : ) The lessons were brilliant, much better than German language lessons I remember from Secondary […]

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