
Tarifa: Spanish language course video

Have fun watching the video, made by teenagers on the Spanish course, last year.  

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Spanish course in Tarifa

Libby Adam 2 weeks: Spanish Teenage Course Tarifa I expected it to be a bit childish but I hoped and thought that whatever happens my linguistic ability would improve. Linguistically I have improved however the common language was English so out of class time I only learnt vocab. Generally it was perfectly pitched for 14-17 […]

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Tarifa Spanish Teenager course FAQs

If you’re looking for a Spanish course for 14/17 yr old students, Tarifa is the perfect mix of summer sunshine, sociability and Spanish. The school only caters for 60 students max in a session – and July is already over 50% full, so a quick decision is recommended. You can view the course information on […]

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