
Tarifa Spanish Teenager course FAQs

If you’re looking for a Spanish course for 14/17 yr old students, Tarifa is the perfect mix of summer sunshine, sociability and Spanish. The school only caters for 60 students max in a session – and July is already over 50% full, so a quick decision is recommended. You can view the course information on […]

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Katherine: Spanish course in Buenos Aires

Before I went to the Buenos Aires, I studied Spanish in the United States for a total of six years. Yet despite all that, I couldn’t speak fluently. In fact, I couldn’t even understand native Spanish speakers during higher level conversations. Because of this I knew, without a doubt, that I had to go to […]

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Jamil: 7 weeks in Buenos Aires

I was a student at at the Spanish language school in Buenos Aires for 7 weeks so I could learn Spanish. What I can say is that it really was an unforgettable experience and I had a really great time. The instructors are more than qualified, the staff is more than friendly, you can party with […]

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French in Montpellier

Mrs Malcolm Two weeks French course in Montpellier My expectations changed almost on a daily basis. I was expecting an intensive time in class and was a little apprehensive for the one on one sessions. I chose a host family and was also apprehensive about about that but chose this option so I would be […]

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French Mini Group Course

Nicola Reed 12 weeks in Paris (Les Halles) Mini Group Course     I wanted to improve both spoken and written French, grammar and vocab skills – everything frankly! I was delighted with the college, well located in Paris – easily accessed and equally easy to reach all the main sights.  The staff, all very […]

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Learn Italian in Venice

Connie Chalmers 1 wk in Venice Italian A level revision My time in Venice was spectacular, the atmosphere was so enjoyable with incredibly lovely people in class and out. The accommodation was very well suited to the culture of Italy as it was situated next to beautiful church and had an amazing view over the […]

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Spanish summer course in Nerja

Christina Davies 2 weeks Spanish course in Nerja I was 16 years old, and going away alone without my twin sister for the first time. My first thought when I reached Nerja was ‘Oh no, it’s so hot, and so Spanish, and all I can say is ‘gracias’…how am I going to survive?!’

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Over 50s Course in Siena

Ann Hauser One week Italian course  May Over 50s Course in Siena Before going I was frightened to death! However the experience exceeded my expectations giving me far more confidence in Italian.  Now thinking of doing a GCSE or AS to improve my grammar.

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Mrs Goldsworthy 3 wks in Paris

Ms E Goldsworthy 3 weeks French course in Paris Standard Course Without a doubt the best part of the course was my teacher, Nolwenn.  She was excellent – encouraging students to “give it a go” without worrying whether it is perfect or not.  She was able to instill a level of confidence in students to […]

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Sarah’s Spanish course in Madrid

Sarah Law 5 week Spanish course “My time in the Spanish language school in Madrid was the most fun I’ve had ever! I met so many people through the school from all over the world and I am still in touch with many of them now 2 months on. Madrid is an amazing city with so […]

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