
A level French course in Nice

Jo Lloyd A level French Course Nice, France  Nice is a very comfortable place to learn French in France.  I loved the whole experience and it totally met my requirements.  I knew that I needed to work on my French before the exams, and felt a week in France was essential to polish my French […]

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3 weeks Combined Course Paris

Emily White 3 weeks in Paris (1) Combined Course I’m reading French at University and wanted a real brush up of my skills over Easter before the end of year exams.  I needed some intensive teaching to ensure some rapid linguistic improvement (!), and hoped for a relaxed environment with some friendly people

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Mas o menos: Salamanca

Lie: Spanish Languages for Life course Salamanca, Spain I could have easily gone to another city or picked another school, but I happened to end up in Salamanca, something I have never regretted. I am trying to think about what exactly it is that made me come back for the third year in row now. First […]

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Spanish and Tapas in Salamanca

Freddie 16 weeks in Salamanca The Spanish course experience in Salamanca for me is the perfect mix of social fun vs studying. Outside the classroom it’s non- stop partying with your class mates, which you would think would make lessons a drag. However I found the classes almost as entertaining as the night-life (even with a […]

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A Year Out in Salamanca

Lucy Gap Year course Salamanca, Spain It didn’t take long to decide that a trip to Salamanca would be an excellent way to practice my Spanish before continuing my studies at university, and also a wonderful way to enjoy my year off; not to mention the tan I was hoping to show off to all […]

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Great Spanish Teachers in Salamanca

Katie 12 weeks in Salamanca I headed to Salamanca for a new lifestyle of 5 Spanish lessons a day, siesta & fiesta. Time flew by far too fast on the course, in a blur of an ever-changing student body at school and after-party exhaustion. Although as someone who is staying more permanently it’s sad to see people come and […]

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Spanish Gap Year in Salamanca

Hamish Extended Gap Year Spanish Course in Salamanca When planning to start learning Spanish again, (which I’d not studied since GCSEs) I knew it would be best to start right from the beginning. Within my first three weeks as a student in the language school in Salamanca it became increasingly hard to leave (which really squashed my […]

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Charlotte in Cannes

I’m currently living in Cannes, learning French, whilst staying in the lovely Cannes college and working in the college bar. The past few weeks have gone so fast – I can’t believe it has been over a month since I arrived! This in itself is a testament to how much …fun I’m having, and how […]

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Learn French in Tours, France

Jack Summers French Mini Group Course in Tours, France I’ve just spent 4 fantastic weeks learning French in Tours. In those 4 weeks I have learned so much and really gained confidence in speaking French. My teachers were great at using different methods to hold our attention whilst we improved our vocabulary etc on the French Mini […]

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Jess in Buenos Aires

The day before my departure it felt as if my guts were turned inside out. I was leaving everything in London, the sheltered life of a European upbringing and most of all I was leaving my family and friends. The pain and sickness  left as soon as the air-plane wheels lost touch with the runway. The […]

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