
Adam: 1 week Super Intensive Course

“I wanted to bring together my known Spanish vocabulary so that I could use it effectively in sentences. My expectations were met; I thought the course in the Spanish language school in Valencia was at the right level for me. The teachers were all good and the lessons worked well. The school was well located, […]

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Michael: 1 week Private Tuition

“On my first morning in Valencia, Maria, my hostess, realised that I had had a cold shower because the boiler was not turned on. She took me out on the balcony, where her rabbit was thumping around in its cage, showed me the boiler, and explained how to twiddle its knobs and fire it up […]

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Emma & Adam: 5 week Standard Course

Friends, Emma  (22) and Adam  (22) spent 5 weeks on a Standard course in Viareggio from July to September with CESA, hear what they both thought of their time in Viareggio: EMMA: “I expected to learn quite a bit of Italian whilst having a really good time! I expected it to be quite hard work […]

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Julia: 3 week Standard Course

Three week Standard programme. Julia, in her early 20’s, had low intermediate Italian, and knew exactly what she wanted… to combine some serious beaching with a fun Italian language programme!    “I needed to refresh my Italian, but didn’t want to hit a city like Florence or Rome over the summer, the temperatures would have […]

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Isobel: 11 week Italian Gap Year

Isobel : 11 wk Gap Year programme – from beginner level.  Having studied French at school she felt confident in tackling Italian from scatch: I had no idea what to expect and I had never heard or spoken to anyone who had taken a language course abroad in their Gap Year. Katherine at CESA was very […]

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Adrian: 2 weeks Standard Course

Adrian is a Doctor, in his early 60’s, who speaks some German and wanted to improve his Italian and he loves Italy and wanted to get the most from his visits to the country. He decided to follow a two week programme at elementary level in the wonderful mediaeval city of Siena.          “I […]

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David: 3 weeks Standard Course

David, in his early 60’s was looking for a short Italian course week programme, suitable for a beginner. He was studying a language abroad for the first time.          “I found the whole experience very enjoyable. It was the first time I had taken this type of trip and I would definitely go again, […]

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Rosie: 2 weeks Intensive Course

Two week Intensive programme prior to going to University. She already had good Italian and French but wanted to hone her skills, before starting University.       “I expected to improve any spoken Italian by growing in confidence during the course. I certainly feel more confident when I speak, but hindsight tells me that 2 […]

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Daisy: 6 weeks Standard Course

Daisy, wanted to improve her Italian as she was planning to move to Italy with her boyfriend.    “I expected to finish my course with a more than basic understanding of Italian, whilst able to converse with relative ease with the natives. It was also as much to do with making new friends, having just […]

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Linda: 2 week Standard Course

“I expected it to be hard work but that it would be of benefit to me as I knew would be speaking the Italian language constantly. The course was certainly hard but I am much more confident to ‘have a go’ at speaking Italian now. It was difficult for the first couple of days as […]

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