
Summer School in San Sebastian

Ania: 2 weeks Summer School San Sebastian, Spain I expected to improve my Spanish conversation and grammar skills and have the opportunity of meeting new people.

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Summer School in Florence

Katie Allen : 4 weeks July/August I had done a week’s course in Florence before so I knew roughly what to expect from that side of things. I wasn’t sure what living with a host family would be like but I was hoping for a relaxed friendly atmosphere.  Thankfully I felt that my expectations were […]

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German Language Gap Year course

Alex Lewington: 20 weeks in Berlin I was hoping that the course would help improve my German language skills enough to help me through my final A level exam, and I was expecting it to be tough but doable. An absolutely brilliant course. Not only did my German language Gap Year help improve the quality of my German […]

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Learn Italian in Sorrento

Meredith spent 4 weeks last summer in Italy with CESA: I honestly had no idea what to expect from my Italian course in Sorrento. I was prepared (as best I could mentally) for the culture shock but beyond that I had no idea what I was getting myself in to. Absolutely I was very happy […]

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Spanish in Barcelona

Katy Michael 8 weeks Languages for Life course   I really didn’t know what to expect.  I assumed the classes would have a great emphasis on speaking the language and understanding it rather than working on grammar all day.  I’d read all the CESA Languages paperwork avidly but still felt so nervous about the whole […]

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3 weeks in Barcelona

Sandra Holt 3 wks Spanish course Standard Course I was looking forward to going and thought I would have a great time, I was however very nervous about going on my own. I thought Barcelona was a great place and was pleased with the new friends I met through the school to share the experience […]

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A Summer course in Barcelona

Dominic Taylor 3 weeks Spanish course Standard Course in Barcelona I had GCSE Spanish and felt if my language skills were going to be of any use to me I’d better take them further than this!  In truth my GCSE Spanish really wasn’t worth a lot, but I was able to start from elementary rather […]

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Jo & Emily’s Photos

Thanks Ladies for sharing these with CESA students who are thinking about a course in San Sebastian. Yes the school is fantastic. Yes the tuition is excellent. And yes – the sky is really THAT blue!

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Spanish and beach life in San Sebastian

Emily 12 week Spanish course San Sebastian, Spain !Hola! I´ve spent one month (at the Spanish language school in San Sebastian) here already, as you know, and unfortunately it has taken me one month to touch base with you and to let you know how things are going.

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Spanish and Surf in San Sebastian

Joanna 12 week Spanish course San Sebastian We are having an amazing time! I think the classes are very well set up and I am learning alot. I enjoy going to classes!

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