
German Private Tuition in Munich

Tracey Anne Lynch I hoped that I would get a balanced education which would include speaking, grammar, reading and writing. I also hoped that the teacher would challenge me and push me beyond my current linguistic abilities. I had two teachers who took turns teaching which I found very helpful. It gave a variety of […]

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German Gap Year in Munich

Hannah Bishopp 12 weeks German course in Munich I expected to expand my command of German, to experience a different culture and an opportunity to meet people from other countries. I also expected the opportunity to visit Munich and Bavaria and to see a large number of places of interest. My German improved significantly. The […]

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Kay French: Standard Group Course

Five weeks German course. I wasn’t sure what to expect from my German course in Lindau and was a little nervous. However, after a couple of days I settled in fine. The lessons were very good and as my confidence with the language grew I began to forget that I was learning. The lessons were […]

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Mr Abra: Intensive German Course

Five week German course. I expected a significant improvement in my basic colloquial German. I also expected to benefit in a broadening of my knowledge of German history and culture. My expectations were met on both counts. The lessons were well structured, well prepared and delivered by very competent and experienced teachers in a friendly […]

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Jenny Linnel: German Course

I expected my spoken German to improve considerably. I also expected grammatical aspects to come more naturally by the end of the course. Generally I expected it to be a great way to meet people and become accustomed to the new environment with people in the same situation as myself. I expected my skiing to […]

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Miss Barton: 4 week Standard Course

I expected to grasp some general German in the four weeks I was there. I also expected basic, clean accommodation close to the school. My expectations were definitely met, I learnt enough German to get me started. The accommodation was great and only 2 minutes walking distance from the school.

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Anthea: Combined Course in Cologne

One week I expected to be taught a mixture of grammar and topics and to have homework each day. I could not have hoped for a better course. I found the lessons very beneficial. They were always prepared, and a variety of teaching methods were used, which greatly helped to reinforce what we had learnt. […]

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Learning German in Berlin to help your CV

Geraldine Lynch 6 weeks Standard German course in Berlin I hadn’t studied German after A-level and upon completing my Physics Degree wanted to improve my German, mainly for personal satisfaction. It will also help to have it on my CV. The classes were enthusiastically taught and quite a lot of homework was given, encouraging me […]

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Gap Year German course in Berlin

Jack Sommers 8 week Gap Year German Course I wanted my overall ability to improve to near fluency and that the course would be both educational and entertaining. I feel I achieved both goals!

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German language course in Berlin

Ms McCormack 8 weeks German language course in Berlin I expected it to be quite intensive and thought the lessons would be of a high standard. I wanted to really improve my German and develop a love of the language. My expectations were fulfilled. The teachers were excellent I really improved my German and developed […]

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