
Janet: 2 week Over 50s Course

“I have done two similar courses at other schools in Spain so I expected this to be rather similar in most respects. By choosing the Master class I hoped to have a more varied time with interesting activities. By living “on campus” instead of in an apartment I hoped to feel fully integrated into the […]

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Mrs Collis-Hastie: 2 week Over 50s Course

“I expected to have an opportunity to extend my Spanish vocabulary especially the verb tenses and to improve my pronunciation. To meet a variety of European students from a similar age group so that the intellectual side of the work could be tempered and enlivened by the social contacts. Were my expectations met? Very much […]

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Sarah: Summer Course

“The lessons were better than I could have imagined! Fantastic! After being a little disappointed with my assessed level I really got to grips with the grammar and now have a much greater understanding. We had a maximum of 9 students in our class, which was perfect for teacher-pupil interaction. The lessons were well structured, […]

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Julia: 4 week Summer Course

“At the start of my course I was a little worried that all the students would be too studious and not want to have a good time.  How wrong I was, there were lots of friendly people all very willing to enjoy themselves, which meant I had a brilliant social life whilst in Malaga. I […]

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Spanish Gap Year Course

Howard 8 week Spanish course “I expected to find the course very difficult linguistically as I had found French at school very hard. I did not expect the lessons to be very interesting, as I’ve not found languages interesting in the past. I was unsure what to expect from my accommodation because I had heard […]

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Shezre: 4 week Intensive Course

Shezre decided to follow several language programmes with us; to Cannes, Madrid, Seville and Granada. Here she talks about her initial 4-week Intensive Group course in Madrid in November  for her Gap Year. “Having studied A-level Spanish I already have a basic knowledge of the language, and expected it to become easier to speak in […]

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Victoria: 4 week Intensive Course

” Since having no previous knowledge of Spanish I hoped to gain a basic grasp of the language and have fun at the same time. Did I feel my expectations were met? Definitely, I progressed more than I could have imagined. I felt I learnt more Spanish in a month than I did french in […]

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Jack: 4 week Standard Course

“I expected the course to further develop my grammatical and linguistic Spanish skills and generally improve my conversational Spanish. I also looked forward to being taught by native Spanish speakers in a country other than Spain. I definitely improved my all round Spanish langue and grammar but I also felt the course set me up […]

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Lucy: 4 week Standard Course

I was very tired and very nervous, I was on the other side of the world from home and didn’t know a soul. I tried to ring home to let them know I had arrived safely in Quito but the card I had didn’t work. The hotel phone cost me $17.00 to speak to my […]

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Standard Course in Valencia

Charlotte Ramsey Two weeks Spanish course in Valencia I felt my Spanish course surpassed my expectations. All the teachers and lessons were excellent, I met some great people on the course and my family were wonderful. The lessons had great interaction and a good mix of content. The reception staff were very friendly, the school […]

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