
A Beginner’s view of Berlin

James Fraser 4 weeks in Berlin Standard Course As I was an absolute beginner, I was looking forward to a challenging, perhaps difficult, but interesting course, to meet students from different cultures and backgrounds also to visit many areas within the locality. It was all good! The German language course was very interesting, difficult at […]

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Intensive German course in Berlin

Gemma Dutton 2 weeks in Berlin Intensive Course I was very nervous about not understanding anything and daunted at spending so much time with strangers!  Linguistically I expected to struggle at first, but hoped to see some real improvement by the end.  On a totally paranoid level I just hoped that the school really existed […]

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Extended my German course in Berlin!

George Chapman 8 weeks in Berlin (extended to 16) Languages for Life course Having never embarked on such a course I had no real expectations other than that presented to me by CESA Languages, via the website, brochure etc.  From this I had an idea in my mind of a German language school, where we’d […]

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One week German course in Berlin

Holly Owen One week in Berlin Standard Course I’m in my thirties and didn’t want to be in a classroom with a mass of 17 yr olds, who were more agile minded than me and would have completely different goals and motivations to me.   Actually it turned out the other students in my beginners class ranged […]

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German course in Berlin

John MacKenzie 2 wks in Berlin Standard Course I was able to arrange my own accommodation in Berlin and so this was where I decided to study.  I had two weeks and wanted to improve general language skills – in part to see if I could still learn a language, or if now I’m in […]

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Improving my German in Berlin

Anna Burton 8 weeks in Berlin Languages for Life course Berlin is an amazing city with a fascinating history.  It was wonderful, everything was very cheap and convenient and I always felt safe (so much safer than in London).  The night life was excellent and I had a great social life. The lessons at the […]

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Four weeks in Berlin

Sarah James 4 wks in Berlin German Standard Course I’d only learnt German at school so expected it to be very much the same experience at the German language school in Berlin, maybe a bit more intense because German was the only subject being studied.  I was pretty nervous before I went.  CESA even warn you […]

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Portuguese course in Lisbon

Ralph Richards 2 weeks Portuguese Course Lisbon, Portugal My plan was to learn some Portuguese in the company of other committed students and to immerse myself in some of the Portuguese culture and enjoy the local food and weather (warmer than the UK at least)! It was 100% successful. The Portuguese school in Lisbon provided […]

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Portuguese Combined Course

John Chalmers 2 weeks Combined Course Lisbon, Portugal.   I knew I wanted a structured course which would be intensive, focused and shared with similar students to myself. I felt the course chosen certainly met my needs. I found the Portuguese Combined Course in Lisbon was professional, well structured and surprisingly good fun.  Addressing general language concepts  in the […]

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Lucy Perkins Private tuition

1 week French language course in Paris Private Tuition – 20 lessons I needed to work on my French in the Christmas holidays and chose to go with CESA Languages as they responded quickly to my questions by email and on the phone.  I could only spare one week and wanted to concentrate purely on […]

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