Book test

Your course
Your accommodation

Please check the college details to see what accommodation is offered. All accommodation is subject to availability but every effort is made to meet your specific requirements.

About you

Please provide a parental/guardian mobile number as well (where applicable).

Please provide a parental/guardian email address as well (where applicable).

Your language ability

How would you rate your current language ability?

Additional information

Do you have any allergies, special dietary or medical requirements that the college should be aware of?

Is there any other information you wish us to take into consideration when making your enrolment, or any questions that you wish to ask?

Your emergency contacts
Your billing and payment details

These details should match the card that you will use to make payment; They are used as part of the security checks.

£/€/$ .
Your final confirmation

Please give the name and address of the person CESA should correspond with if not the person enrolling. All correspondence concerning the enrolment will be sent to the details you give here.

I have read the Terms and Conditions on this site and accept the terms of enrolment. I will forward the required passport photos by post or email in the next few days. I have arranged paument of the deposit (or full fees if applicable) and know that no enrolment will be made until the required deposit/fees reach CESA Languages.