French Over 50 Course: Paris Les Halles

French courses for adults in Paris, where you can improve and practise your French language skills with other language students year round in France, with CESA


A beautifully central Parisian location. A small, friendly French language school based in the first arrondissement offering mini group courses – so offering plenty of teacher attention.
Levels offered Beginner to Advanced
Age range 18 yrs+
Course duration 1 or 2 weeks 
Number of lessons 15 lessons per week
Lesson duration 60 minutes
Maximum per class 10 students
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  • Generally students are in the 30s, 40s or older
  • Timetable: French classes are held in the morning

A short French language course aimed at adults, and very suitable for students in the 50 years plus age range who wish to study with their peers (and other adults mainly in their 30’s/40’s) in a beautiful and elegant college in central Paris. The course concentrates on exploring general French language skills and offers a systematic study of French grammar, according to the student’s level with an emphasis on improving communication skills.

Start dates: Beginners are accepted, but only on the first Monday of each month, all other levels can start any Monday (except Christmas week).

Course Fees
CESA admin fee € 60.00 per person
1 week  € 510.00 2 weeks  € 930.00
French Host/ess  Single room
B&B  1 wk  € 420.00 2 wks  €   770.00
Half-board  1 wk  € 540.00 2 wks  € 1030.00
Private bathroom  Along corridor, not adjoining bedroom
Hotel options: On request
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Course Dates 2023

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
09 16 23 30 06 13 20 27 06 13 20 27 03 11* 17 24 02* 09* 15 22 29 05 12 19 26
Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
03 10 17 24 31 07 14 21 28 04 11 18 25 02 09 16 23 30 06 13 20 27 04 11 18#


# 1 wk max course

Start dates open to Beginners are shown in gold.

Public holidays: Lessons lost due to holidays will be replaced in the week affected.
Dates: 10 Apr, 01, 08 & 18 May, 14 Jul, 15 Aug, 01 & 11 Nov in 2023
Closed: 25th Dec ’23 – 5th Jan ‘24


Whatever the weather, or time of year, Paris provides you with plenty of opportunities to fill your free time. As the majority of college students are in their 20’s or older, most prefer to arrange their own social life, generally with new college friends. The college works with a local company that offers a range of exciting tours exploring the many facets of Paris and different French regions. It offers a stimulating and provocative backdrop for your experience of France and French life. As the college is quite small, it does not arrange weekly events for students in its own right. However college students regularly ask the staff and the tour company for advice on trips and visits and there are always plenty of options to choose from!

First Day

Students are asked to take an assessment test on the first day. Timetable for lessons starts slightly later on Monday to allow for this.

09.00 hrs: Level assessment
09.30 hrs: Coffee whilst the teachers arrange class groups
10.00 hrs: First day lessons start
11.45 hrs: Break (and personalised timetables are given to students)
13.00 hrs: End of morning classes

Practical Information

The school in Paris Les Halles mainly caters for students aged 25 yrs + and regularly attracts mature students, in part because of the small group tuition they offer but also because this small, friendly school is so centrally located in the city.  Please note that the school will have 16 to 18 year olds present in February half-term and the Easter holidays (preparing for school exams) but only in small numbers, 2 to 5 in any one week, as a rule.  Likewise younger students can study here throughout the year, but not in great numbers.


Paris is a large city, so please allow for a commute of approx. 20 to 40 mins to college each morning. Students can stay with local French hosts, single room, B&B (some hosts can offer private bathroom, but please note that in historic Parisian buildings these are not offered on an en-suite basis). Students can also book meals on a half-board arrangement (breakfast and evening meal).  The school can also recommend local Hotels or Studio apartments on request.


Arrive: Sunday PM
Depart: Saturday PM

Travel direct to Paris by Eurostar or by plane (generally to Charles de Gaulle airport).
You can then take the transfer service or alternatively a taxi or train/metro to your accommodation.