Student Reviews

Languages for Life, Seville

5 / 5

I hoped that after the first four weeks I would be able to know the basics of the Spanish language, such as numbers, colours, food, clothes, family etc. I was a bit concerned though as I went out there with no previous knowledge of the Spanish language. There really was no reason to worry though, […]

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Languages for Life, Malaga

5 / 5

I wanted to learn Spanish and experience the Spanish culture, all of which I gained through the school and living with the Spanish family. Learning a language is only REALLY successful abroad when you’re surrounded by the language all day. I decided to go with CESA Languages as they were recommended in the English newspapers […]

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Intensive Course, Nice

5 / 5

Linguistically I was hoping to improve my written French but also gain more confidence in my speaking. But writing and listening were my main priorities. Generally I was hoping to meet others with the same interest in French and meet other Europeans, not English people! I also hoped all the lessons to be conducted in […]

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Languages for Life,

5 / 5

From the information CESA gave us I knew that all the lessons would be with native speaking teachers and would all be in Spanish, however this still didn’t prepare me for the first few days – they seemed really difficult. It all worked well for me in the end, once I’d settled in and got […]

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Standard Course, Buenos Aires

5 / 5

I was looking for an intensive Spanish language course that would get me speaking a fair bit of Spanish in just two weeks and I was hoping for a good place to meet other people. Great result for me, in both categories! The lessons at the Spanish language school in Buenos Aires worked for me. […]

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Standard Course, Buenos Aires

5 / 5

I had already done an Italian course through CESA in Florence, so this gave me a fairly good idea of what to expect. I imagined the lessons would involve a mixture of grammar exercises and general conversation with other students from all over the world. However I had never been to South America before, I […]

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Standard Course,

5 / 5

Before my arrival in St Petersburg I expected to gain a lot from the course. During my basic learning of Russian before the course began I realised just how complicated the language was. I assumed that the actual course would be equally challenging but as I would be immersed completely in Russian I was confident […]

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Standard Course,

5 / 5

I wanted to spend a well structured week studying Italian and hoped for good progress in the language, from a limited starting point. I thoroughly enjoyed my short trip to Sorrento (only wish it could have been longer). The lessons were fast paced, with no wasted time and the staff had a truly professional approach. […]

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Standard Course,

5 / 5

I knew it would be a short course, so I didn’t expect to learn more than some basic grammar and words, just enough to make simple sentences. In general, I didn’t really know what to expect apart from what the CESA Briefing Pack said about Moscow itself. Linguistically I’d say that yes my expectations were […]

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Teenage Course, Nice/Teenagers

5 / 5

I had been to the French school in Nice last year so I knew roughly what to expect and my expectations were met. In lessons my abilities were stretched, the teaching was of a high standard and given that we spent much of the time debating and discussing current issues in Nice and the wider […]

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