Learn Japanese in Tokyo: Language Courses

Japanese language courses are offered from 2 to 20 weeks duration. These shorter-term Japanese courses can be combined with additional conversation or cultural classes which ensures the Japanese School in Tokyo appeals to language students with a wide range of interests.

Standard Course    Short courses  2 wks+

Levels offered Beginner to Advanced
Minimum age 16
Course duration 2+ weeks
Number of lessons 20 group lessons per week
Lesson duration 50 minutes
Maximum per class 8 student

The core Japanese language classes offered in Tokyo are available throughout the year. Ideal for students who want to learn Japanese for practical daily use and gain solid communication skills, across all language levels.

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  • Timetable: 09.30 to 13.10 hrs (alternatives may also apply)
  • Min age: 16 yrs

The Japanese language course is purely communication orientated, ideal for those who wish to study key grammar and conversation skills of the language, but don’t require in-depth study.   Classes are made up of 2 lessons of grammar and 2 lessons of conversation per day, with the focus on real-life skills.  Learn common sentence patterns and vocabulary with your teacher and use them in practical situations both in and out of the classroom.
Student numbers will as a rule be made up of 4 to 8 (occasionally 9) students per class.

The Japanese language school offers group classes on a rolling start basis, so there are a range of on-going classes studying different points in the curriculum each week, throughout the year. When new students join the school, on their first Monday, they are placed into the class at a point in the curriculum closest to their own language level.
There are set dates for beginners, offered throughout the year.

If a student is the only person at his/her Japanese ability level, the Japanese school will provide reduced private classes for them.

Standard Course groups use interesting modern materials and activities to focus on improving your Japanese speaking ability, backed up with solid grammar study in a way that gives you the flexibility to adapt to new situations, building to the point where one day you won’t need a teacher anymore!

Levels offered:
Beginner level 1, Beginner level 2, Pre-intermediate level, Intermediate level, Advanced level

* Sample schedule only. Actual schedule may differ – see “Teaching” page for further details.

4-skills application class,
two 50-minute classes
Japanese grammar,
two 50-minute classes
Weekly Total 20 class hours


Start dates 2024

  • Jan1 8 15 22 29
  • Feb5 12 19 26
  • Mar4 11 18 25
  • Apr1 8 15 22
  • May6 13 20 27
  • Jun3 10 17 24
  • Jul1 8 15 22 29
  • Aug5 12 19 26
  • Sep2 9 16 23 30
  • Oct7 14 21 28
  • Nov4 11 18 25
  • Dec2 9 16 23 30 30

Beginners start dates are underlined and in bold. Other levels can begin on any of the start dates shown. For a detailed quote, or to book a course, click on "Get a Quote".

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Languages for Life    10 & 20 wks+

Levels offered Beginner to Intermediate
Minimum age 16
Course duration 10 & 20 wks
Number of lessons 20 group lessons per week
Lesson duration 50 minutes
Maximum per class 8 student

Special discount offered on 10 and 20 wk programmes!
Excellent value for money – courses offered throughout the year

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  • Timetable: 09.30 to 13.10 hrs (alternatives may also apply)
  • 20 group Japanese lessons per week
  • Start dates are offered throughout the year

Follow the Standard Course, Japanese language programme for 10 or 20 weeks, at a discounted price!
Classes are made up of 2 lessons of grammar and 2 lessons of conversation per day, with the main focus on real-life skills.  Learn common sentence patterns and vocabulary with your teacher and use them in practical situations both in and out of the classroom.
See the Standard Course description for further details.

Start dates 2024

  • Jan1 8 15 22 29
  • Feb5 12 19 26
  • Mar4 11 18 25
  • Apr1 8 15 22
  • May6 13 20 27
  • Jun3 10 17 24
  • Jul1 8 15 22 29
  • Aug5 12 19 26
  • Sep2 9 16 23 30
  • Oct7 14 21 28
  • Nov4 11 18 25
  • Dec2 9 16 23 30

Beginners start dates are underlined and in bold. Other levels can begin on any of the start dates shown. For a detailed quote, or to book a course, click on "Get a Quote".

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Japanese & Conversation    Short courses  2 wks+

Levels offered Beginner to Advanced
Minimum age 16
Course duration 2+ weeks
Number of lessons 20 group lessons per week
Additional lessons 04 conversation classes
Lesson duration 50 minutes
Maximum per class 8 student

Combine your core Japanese language studies in Tokyo with practical conversation classes, held both in and outside the classroom. Great for building your confidence in using Japanese in daily life with native speakers!

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  • Timetable: 09.30 to 13.10 hrs (alternatives may also apply)
  • 20 group Japanese lessons plus additional conversation classes per week

Combine the Standard course with four extra classes each week of conversational Japanese focused on elements it can be hard to cover in the standard classes, such as slang, dialects, specialized vocabulary, and more.

Small-group classes are given both inside and outside of the classroom – you will learn essential communication techniques in structured lessons with the teacher, then practice them in real-world situations, such as:

Calling a movie theatre to ask for showtimes
Ordering delivery sushi
Calling a restaurant to make reservations
Giving a questionnaire to people in the park
Asking for directions at the train station
Buying electronics


4-skills application class, two 50-minute classes Japanese grammar, two 50-minute classes
Conversational Japanese, one 50-minute class
Weekly Total 24 lessons


Start dates 2024

  • Dec30

Beginners start dates are underlined and in bold. Other levels can begin on any of the start dates shown. For a detailed quote, or to book a course, click on "Get a Quote".

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Japanese & Culture      Short courses  2 to 4 wks

Levels offered Beginner to Advanced
Minimum age 16
Course duration 2, 3, 4 weeks
Number of lessons 20 group lessons per week
Activities Saturday activities
Lesson duration 50 minutes
Maximum per class 8 students

Students enjoy six hours of cultural activities with school guides each Saturday, in Tokyo. A terrific way to experience and appreciate both modern and traditional Japanese culture. The culture activities run on a monthly schedule.

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  • Timetable: 09.30 to 13.10 hrs (alternatives may also apply)
  • 20 Standard group Japanese lessons plus cultural activities each Saturday
  • Learn Japanese as it is really spoken today!
  • Core classes: As Standard Japanese Course

Additional activities focus on Japanese culture provide a context for the Japanese language courses. You will study Japanese during the week and learn more about Japanese life during Saturday guided sessions (several events are arranged every Saturday).

Saturday Activities
1st week Maid Cafe Toyoto car theme park Manga drawing class
2nd week Nakano Broadway Animation museum Cosplay lesson
3rd week Plastic food making session Disaster drill experience Japanese sword play lesson
4th week Owl Cafe Cat Cafe Digital illustration lesson


Beginners start dates are underlined and in bold. Other levels can begin on any of the start dates shown. For a detailed quote, or to book a course, click on "Get a Quote".

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Teenage Courses    Short courses  2 wks+ 

Levels offered Beginner to Advanced
Minimum age 14 to 19 yrs
Course duration 2, 3 or 4 weeks
Number of lessons 20 group lessons per week
Additional activities Guided activities included
Lesson duration 50 minutes
Dates offered June to August
Maximum per class 8 students


Check out the online information for full details

Teenage Course details

Private Tuition    Short courses  2 wks+

Levels offered Beginner to Advanced
Minimum age 18
Course duration 2 weeks+
Number of lessons 15 or 20 per week
Lesson duration 50 minutes
Maximum per class 1 student

Flexible and intensive, these courses allow maximum progress for students or business people with limited time for study.

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  • Timetable: Varies from student to student
  • Offered: Ten months of the year
  • Sorry not available in July/August
  • 10+ private Japanese language lessons per week

Start dates 2024

  • Jan1 8 15 22 29
  • Feb5 12 19 26
  • Mar4 11 18 25
  • Apr1 8 15 22
  • May6 13 20
  • Sep2 9 16 23 30
  • Oct7 14 21 28
  • Nov4 11 18 25
  • Dec2 9 16 23 30

Beginners start dates are underlined and in bold. Other levels can begin on any of the start dates shown. For a detailed quote, or to book a course, click on "Get a Quote".

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