Learn Spanish in Salamanca: Teaching

Language levels & rate of progress

The curriculum is structured on a range of theoretical language levels, with a natural duration of between 4 & 8 weeks at each level. There are classes in grammar, oral and written exercises, practice with video and audio material and conversation on subjects of general, social and cultural interest. The methodology is the result of years of experience in the intensive teaching of Spanish. Special importance is given to the communicative aspect of the language and its use in everyday life. For this reason, the school wants students to always speak Spanish in class, and whenever possible out of class as well.

Elementary I  Limited Competence
4/6 weeks duration
A2  Elementary
Elementary II  Survival 
6/8 weeks duration
B1  Lower Intermediate
Intermediate I  Basic Competence
8 weeks + duration
B2  Intermediate/ High Intermediate
Intermediate II  Limited/Medium Competence
8 weeks + duration
C1 Advanced
Advanced   Higher Competence
8/12 weeks + duration
C2 Advanced
Proficient  Pre-Bilingual
8/12 weeks + duration

* Student progress usually depends on each individual student/group dynamic, so the number of weeks quoted apply to an average student is prepared to work hard and consistently both in and out of class on their Spanish. The school will assess the students at the end of each level with a test and only students who pass are able to progress to the next level. See the Chart of Language levels/ability for further information.

First Day

On the first day you will need to be at school at 8:30 hrs in the morning in order to complete a placement test and attend the welcome talk. Once the test has been completed the school will assign students to different classes according to their language level. Students will then start their lessons for the day.

Full timetables for the Standard and Languages for Life courses are held from 09.00 to 13.00 hrs or 14.00 to 18.00 hrs, from Monday to Friday. If you have booked private lessons the staff will inform you of schedule once you are in Salamanca. The class schedule will be arranged after the test because class timings will depend on your level and class place availability.

Upon arrival you will receive a calendar of forthcoming activities offered during the week and on Saturday.

Students may change levels during the first few days or afterwards, if the student has made more progress than the rest of the group. At least once a month, a test is given in class to evaluate the student’s progress.

Spanish Course Methodology

All classes are given in Spanish.
The maximum number of students per class is 12 and each class lasts for 55 minutes. Generally lessons are held in two lesson blocks, with a short break between each block. The programme also aims to familiarise students with Spanish culture.
The majority of students follow the Standard and Languages for Life Courses (20 lessons of Spanish language per week) which aim to develop and improve listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in general Spanish skills across all language levels, throughout the year. The Salamanca school uses a range of study and exercise books and they also cooperate with different publishers and add study materials taking into account the needs of each student/group. Punctuality, classroom attendance & participation and homework completion are essential to your over all success.

In reality students chose to attend a short course or a longer “Languages for Life” programme according to their linguistic goals, personal wishes and time constraints.

Course Material

The Spanish school uses a text books and a range of additional materials. The books provide a solid foundation for further language learning through conversation, audio visual and real life material.

End of Course Certificate

At the end of their course, assuming at least 90% attendance of classes, students are given an attendance certificate indicating the course taken, the number of hours of study and the level reached.

Spanish Teachers in Salamanca

All of the Salamanca language school teachers are native speakers, are qualified to teach Spanish as a foreign language, and are chosen for their enthusiasm and team spirit.

Spanish language students in Salamanca

The student body is made up from a wide variety of nationalities and age groups and language abilities. There is no such thing as an average student but we’ve provided some statistics for you, to give you a flavour of the range of students the language school in Salamanca caters for.

Average number of students: 30/200 in any one month
Average age: 21 yrs of age throughout the year and 19 yrs in the summer
Nationalities: 30 different nationalities each year (mainly Italian, Irish, Swiss, French, Dutch and German)
Age range: 15-17 yrs (21 %), 18-25 yrs (48%), 25-35 yrs (20%), 35 yrs+ (10%)